Have you ever dug out a toy you loved as a child, only to find it dinky and unimpressive as an adult? This episode is one such toy. Much like Rise Kujikawa's omelette, it's brimming full of the ingredients we love, but comes out tasting like nothing regardless.
On the upside, we finally announce our upcoming project! I mean, we've been tacitly announcing it for months now, but this time it's official. Woo-hoo!
Click here for that guy we thought was familiar but couldn't quite place: http://img.codelyoko.fr/galeries/72_lecon_de_choses/Lecon_de_choses_221.jpg
Click here for Persona goodness: https://66.media.tumblr.com/c6f273fb858f3f07a08857c1204a3b58/tumblr_opf03r4tqR1tm43oso1_1280.jpg
Click here for hilarious memes involving Link and Zelda: http://susanoomon.tumblr.com/post/181441105149/probably-this-already-exists-but-if-not-then-here
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
This is the episode where Jeremie gets his pea green and neon blue capris. We're sure other stuff happens in the episode, but we were too distracted by those godawful pants to notice or care. We advise you not to look directly at them for an extended period, as you will surely go blind or be turned into a pillar of salt.
But actually, a ton of stuff happens here. Like the delightful revelation that, in the world of Code Lyoko, the internet really is a series of tubes, or our in-depth discussion of whether it'd be fun to be a baby. There's also the time Sarah the Translation Shaman/Scientist schooled us about cellular biology. The details are too juicy to spoil here, but as is so often the case with us, they involve Jimmy Neutron.
Click here for Akko and Stan Lee: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Du6TkNIU0AUpnaR.jpg
Click here for a vague inkling: https://cdn.wikimg.net/en/splatoonwiki/images/thumb/4/44/Inklingdevelopment.png/250px-Inklingdevelopment.png
Click here for life advice from Jean-Ralphio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm9H0X3tHfU
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Unspeakable Sex Acts broke up (for about a week), so no new episode today, guys. But Mary and David did take the time to read a whole bunch of your emails, so there is that!
That's right - we take a break from rambling about Homestuck and Smash Bros. and give YOU the floor to, er, ramble about Homestuck and Smash Bros. We know our audience, and our audience knows us.
So let us take you back to the year 2007, when Code Lyoko was still on the air, Carlos Mencia was making waves with his new strain of race-based comedy hijinks, and Steven Segal had not yet gone publicly insane.
Click here for Camrockon's Code Lyoko 15th Anniversary Special, featuring David Gasman, Matt Gezcy, Sharon Mann and Barbara Weber-Scaff! In fond memory of Jodi Forrest and Carlo de Boutiny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--0Ydg475Ac&feature=youtu.be
Click here for Kiwami Japan! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg3qsVzHeUt5_cPpcRtoaJQ
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Note: David has a few moments in this episode where his audio suddenly cuts out. I think I've fixed most of them, but let me know if you catch any more and I can see what I can do about them!
This episode was supposed to be a dramatic reading of Ben and Mary's old Code Lyoko crack fic. And it was! But then we decided we don't want to be associated with the thing anymore. We've grown up a lot in the past five years and we're no longer comfortable with many of the jokes that we once found hilarious. So instead of a whole lot of cringe, get ready for... well, a whole lot of cringe. But now it's about Smash Bros.
To make up for the lack of fanfic, we're opening up an extra hefty mailbag! Yu-Gi-Oh, Street Fighter II, Little Witch Academia, and an equation that turns you gay are but some of the topics we cover.
Click here to see my little boy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgbGiExvqi8
Click here for a badass fight theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFVj0Z6ahcI
Click here for old memes made new again: https://twitter.com/boldirIamati/status/1071201408437768192
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Not to yank our own dingdongs, but it isn't often that Code Lyoko and RttP are both in top form in the same episode.
You want action, comedy, high-stakes middle school dramedy? Skidbladnir delivers. You wanna hear Mary, Ben, and David (but mostly Ben and David) break into an impromptu slapfight over Homestuck and wax nostalgic about the sticky horrors of puberty? Again, you've come to the right place.
Of course, we also eulogize every millennial's unofficial sensei, Stephen Hillenburg, who passed away on November 26. There isn't anything funny about that. But, in his honor, we've cranked the SpongeBob puns and references up to eleven. Happy trails, Ocean Man. You were number one.
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Well, kids, here we are at the funny sex number. I bet you think that's a real laugh riot. You disgust me. (jk ilu)
Not only do we say a few things that'll fill you with the irrepressible urge to whisper 'Niiiiice!' to yourself; we also talk about silly cartoon characters with big heads. Oh, and Jess is here too! They make a few jokes about the dank kush, for your entertainment.
Anyway, this is the episode with Clone William. He make our kokoro go doki doki by holding various objects in kawaii ways. At least until he gets tired of being nice and goes ape sh*t.
Oh, and hey! No more royalty-free stock music for us! Let's give a warm welcome to the newest member of the RttP crew, Matt, who composed our hella tubular new theme song!
(This episode does contain a bit more talk about sex and weed than usual!)
Click here for WAHluigi: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DsJRDkaWsAErYTf.jpg
Click here for The Entire Horse, aka the best Jojo's Bizarre Adventure video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geIH4iM-qqo
You can find Jess's podcasts on iTunes or wheresoever you get your podcasts, or on Twitter @lupinlottery ( https://twitter.com/lupinlottery ) and @thespookyspot ( https://twitter.com/TheSpookySpot ).
Our friggin amazing theme music is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! You can find more of his stuff at soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
We're not quite sure how to feel about this Jeremie kid. We want to believe in him - we really do! - but he's also kind of a sh*t. Which is a roundabout way of saying that this is the episode wherein we talk about relationship dynamics. Hooray?
But also, it's Subdigitals time! Remember when MoonScoop tried to make their own Cheetah Girls/Hannah Montana (or the Archies, if you're my dad)-style fake real band? We remember. The man wants us to forget, but we remember.
Also featured: a friendly lesbian analyzes Clone William (conclusion: he's gay), David teaches us the word "avuncular," and our own fake band awkwardly performs the Highwayman song from the spoopy elf cartoon. Join us - it'll be a riot.
Click here for a swole pumpkin: https://66.media.tumblr.com/8bee534eb9120ec53aababac36c2c1d4/tumblr_ph2hz63cNO1sfxek2o1_500.jpg
Click here for fun with custom naming: https://66.media.tumblr.com/8615f2bd0c85a870b85a6c3d72557058/tumblr_oqxmbyU8n41ujm285o1_500.jpg
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
If you thought the real Jeremie was kind of a sh*t, wait till you meet his clone! The only reason he doesn't wear a fedora is that his head is too big! Wait, we think that applies to the real Jeremie too.
But don't worry, this episode also introduces Clone!William. He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least he wasn't looking kind of dumb with his finger and his thumb in the shape of an L on his generously-proportioned forehead. (Tune in for this and more hip references.)
Honestly, it'd be easier to list things that DIDN'T happen in this episode. You've got Jim Wisdom(?), you're got Penguin Recapitators, and you've got XANA-William being real creepy with almost no explanation. You've also got Ben sharing his expertise on cat toe beans, and part one of the RTTP Fashion Corner, as we say goodbye to the old outfits and hello to skintight spandex.
Click here and go ahead and pretend this URL doesn't have a Bad Word in it: https://pics.me.me/google-speedy-cat-woosh-going-fastas-all-fuck-down-supre-3585490.png
Click here for Smash Bros Ultimate spoilers: https://twitter.com/tsuno_dako1/status/1058360335617318912
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Ah, I remember this episode! It's the one where SpongeBob forgets everything except fine dining and breathing! Wait, no, sorry, I was thinking of something much better.
In this episode, the 'Group gets in the Halloween spirit by discussing Wolfman and the having of nards thereof (can you believe those chucklenuts Mary and Ben haven't seen Monster Squad?!), as well as each Lyoko Warrior's favorite horror movie, probably.
We also discuss the show's sudden onslaught of continuity, with everything from Milly, Tamiya, and Jeremie's feud to Odd's skulduggery regarding Paco, the King of Disco suddenly featuring in the plot. Oh yeah, and Dat Boi comes again. That's kind of important too.
Click here for William Says, in English and in French:
Click here for David Byrne: https://putthison.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/tumblr_ok8tkaMXF11qa2j8co1_1280.jpg
Click here for Mario mantas: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mario/images/7/75/Jumbo_Ray.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100702123520
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Bingo - the only game that bridges the gulf between big babies and old fogies. If you're a longtime listener, you know we're all about old memes, so here's one we yanked out of the pits of La Brea. Favorite Character Bingo! Featuring actual Code Lyoko content on two out of our three cards.
You can find our bingo cards at http://www.twitter.com/rttppodcast !
You can also click here for Weed la Weed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbwx9mv9q34
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Well, we hope you all liked or at least loved to hate William, cause he's basically not in the show anymore. That's right - dat boi has come and gone, leaving behind Ben and Mary's shameful memories and the usual sticky teenage residue.
And, AND, a perfect ten of a season finale! It's an enormous number of phone calls, not one but TWO long-vanished characters, and so many subplots you'll think Jasper Fforde wrote it. (Please email us if you thought that joke was funny.) And amazingly it all works together, leaving us in the end with Code Lyoko's usual sense of longing for answers we'll never have.
We also discover that a full two-thirds of the podcast is COMPLETELY WRONG about the greatest 80s song of all time (it's Africa by Toto, and nothing can change my mind, boys). And give heartfelt advice to teens about living life to the fullest!
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
The action ramps up as Code Lyoko delivers an episode with more plot-slash-William than usual, as well as more poo baths and nipple-pinching. Needless to say, there's a little something for each of your three hosts.
Join us as we jump-start your vague memories of the end of season three, as well as spoil the ending of a beloved video game (the one about the hat man) and, in a semi-related thought exercise, try to make XANA's monsters sexier. It's the kind of content only the Super Nuclear group thinks is good - that means you can't get it anywhere else! Give us a click and enjoy.
Click here for the world's most unfortunate man: https://twitter.com/Brett_Kavanagh/status/1048367409491562496
Click here for the world's most unfortunate screencap: http://img.codelyoko.fr/galeries/64_surmenage/Surmenage_092.jpg
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Imagine a four-circle Venn diagram. The circles are labeled Political Science, Fancy Soap, Star Trek, and Jokes About Dog Dicks. In the center of said diagram lies this episode of RttP. Whatever is written in the other overlapping segments, we'll leave to your own diseased imagination.
Click here to visit the Magical Girl Soap Company! https://www.magicalgirlsoapcompany.com/
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
No, you didn't hallucinate this episode whilst high on jenkem - Ulrich really does briefly become a dog. There's other stuff too, of course, like the troubling implication that Mrs. Hertz swings, but Ulrich body-hopping like an angsty teen Mario Odyssey is the highlight. Unless you're the type that focuses on abject misery, because the gang does think Ulrich is dead for probably the longest they've ever thought a teammate was dead.
On the other hand, those of you who've wondered if Mary has ever glued her butt to a chair are definitely in for a treat, as your humble hosts once again expose their dysfunctions for your pointing and laughing delight.
Apologies for this episode's ridiculous lateness! The next episode will be right on time.
Click here for it loud: https://unregulated-muffin-mix.tumblr.com/post/178227870704/posting-this-and-sending-the-link-is-the-easiest
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
In this episode, the RttP gang revisits an episode they all forgot and the Code Lyoko gang visits a grove of handsy trees, which reminds the RttP gang of why they blocked out the episode in the first place. Groovy.
On that note, this episode of Code Lyoko carries a content warning for a sentient vine going up a character's shirt.
Click here for small Jeremie: http://img.codelyoko.fr/galeries/61_sabotage/Sabotage_169.jpg
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
In what is perhaps the most rambling an incoherent episode of the Rec Room yet, we discuss Code Lyoko: Evolution's series finale, ponder what kind of web presence the Lyoko children would have today, and Ben and David have a farting contest. (A fake one. Unless you're into that, sexually, in which case it's totally real and you should give us more money for our beans and chili budget.)
We are also joined by Teddy, aka The Tedster aka Ted. E. Dogg, whose tags are jingling throughout most of the latter half of this thing.
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic .
Every once in a while, we get an episode where the writers clearly didn't give a f*ck. This is one of those episodes. Now, being discerning and sophisticated consumers of media, we normally crinkle our noses at that kind of thing, but this time's a little different. Like a Flash cartoon hastily made by a lolrandom teen on Albinoblacksheep (anybody remember that?), sometimes a total unwillingness to give even a single f*ck can lead to great things.
This is an episode where Jim strongly implies that he once wrote a porno. An episode where an old woman challenges Yumi to gamble for drugs. An episode where the theater teacher complains that Kadic's anemic budget forces them to constantly reuse sets, which I can't imagine isn't a metaphor for Code Lyoko itself. It's like there was some kind of passive-aggressive slapfight in the MoonScoop office immediately prior to making this episode, and we are so there for it, because we are drama b*tches and make no apologies for it.
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
At long last, Dat Boi here come for more than like 30 seconds. But, but that's all the time he needs to make Mary and Ben feel ashamed of themselves for having had crushes on him as children. (Meanwhile, David points and laughs and hugs his Vriska daikamura.)
Why? Because he's a scrub, which, as TLC taught us, is a guy who thinks he's fly and is also known as a buster. So today we're here to kick ass and dismantle his toxic notions of romantic gestures, AND WE'RE ALL OUT OF ASS.
We also discover what tractor pulling REALLY is, and accidentally and tragically remind ourselves of the existence of jenkem. Speaking of, around 1:10:00 we have a truly awful conversation with lots of, not profanity, but bathroom words and ideas. We are all very ashamed of ourselves.
Click here for MULTI TRACK DRIFTING: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/727/DenshaDeD_ch01p16-17.png
The Code Lyoko DVD raffle is still going until August 31st! Sign up to become a patron for entry!
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
After weeks of teasing, we're finally showing you the goods. How well does The Pretender hold up, actually? Does it fly high like a crow possessed, or buckle under the weight of its awkwardness and casual racism? Will David be validated, or stomp away in an impotent rage like a Waluigi fan after E3? The answer may shock you!
And speaking of Smash Bros, which characters would the Lyoko Warriors main? Are we childish enough to stop the show dead in its tracks to laugh at a fake used car ad and troll Ben's sweet mother with incomprehensible coolkid lingo? Well, you probably know the answer to one of those questions already. Tune in for the other one.
The Code Lyoko DVD raffle is still going until August 31st! Sign up to become a patron for entry!
Click here for Big Bill Hell's (language warning): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sZuN0xXWLc
Click here for SLOTH: https://78.media.tumblr.com/fa598ba0b918f5e1f4ff11764db818c3/tumblr_pbnfotBbw61v8ntgio1_500.jpg
Click here for the horngus of a dongfish: https://78.media.tumblr.com/ca524d87f69e1d80447f65c774cd7153/tumblr_p73wla11Pv1qb01n4o1_640.png
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Cards on the table: this episode is roughly 50% plot and 50% stinky feet jokes. Which, fun fact, none of us actually remembered until we were about five minutes into the episode!
And the weirdest thing about that is, it's still just as poignant as we thought it was back then. It gives us a ton to think about as far as Aelita's relationship with her father and her memories of her past, a big moment of tension with her and Jeremie, and one of the greatest moments of emotional maturity Odd has ever exhibited. But also there's foot stink. Just all of it, all the jokes.
(But don't worry too much about that - we're still making our OWN jokes! Including one that made Ben literally spit water all over his room.)
IN OTHER NEWS! You've heard us talk about this for months, but we're finally doing it! To celebrate the long-awaited release of Teen Titans Go! to the Movies (not really), we're doing RAFFLES RAFFLES RAFFLES! That's right, three Funimation Code Lyoko DVDs are up for grabs, and all you have to do for a chance to score that sweet, sweet loot is support us on Patreon. The cutoff date is August 31st, so hurry up and give us your money already!
"Note that you must be at least eighteen years old to participate (y'know, in case a few frames of Ben's orc fan film snuck in by mistake), and also be comfortable giving us your mailing address.
Click here to see a cool chart: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DjU5xFeV4AIbH4y.jpg
We are again calling on our listeners to do all they can to fight back against injustice at the U.S. border and in the immigration system: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/06/how-you-can-fight-family-separation-at-the-border.html
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
We have a lot of fun here at Return to the Past, but every one in a while, an episode comes along that leaves us scratching our heads.
Is it Code Lyoko's attempt at being topical and political (it features both anthrax and Tamagotchi), recycled from a script for a mid-90s Jim Carrey movie that would never be, or simply an adaptation of a NyQuil fever dream the writers had one night? We'll probably never know.
Were Tamagotchi still a thing in 2006? Why does one of the government agents sound like Michael Jaleel White? Is there a God? Why did Danimals retire all their animal mascots except for the monkey when clearly the Strawberry Kiwi alligator was the far superior spokesman? These and many other questions will not be answered on our show today, with Mary, Ben, David, and our special celebrity guest, Mary's dog.
Click here for a Man in Black shooting lightning out of his mouth: http://img.codelyoko.fr/galeries/56_fausse_piste/Fausse_piste_255.jpg
We are again calling on our listeners to do all they can to fight back against injustice at the U.S. border and in the immigration system: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/06/how-you-can-fight-family-separation-at-the-border.html
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Just a heads up - both David and Ben had some audio issues in this episode, so apologies for any static!
Would you eat an apple that had fallen on the floor? What if that happle had been part of a giant killer food golem? That and other questions will be explored in today's episode of Return to the Past.
Our goofy cartoon villain conjures a food monster, our plucky kid heroes learn a moral about healthy eating, and the Russians are screwing with us again. It's like we're back in the eighties! Anybody got some cocaine?
We are again calling on our listeners to do all they can to fight back against injustice at the U.S. border and in the immigration system: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/06/how-you-can-fight-family-separation-at-the-border.html
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Season three introduces its big new gimmick: Waelita (that's our name for Evil Aelita - we're trying to make it happen) and her penchant for deleting Lyoko one sector at a time. If only it hadn't done it in one of the lamest episodes since season one! The puns fly as fast as the ancient memes and Homestuck references as Mary, Ben, and David once again attempt to grapple with their feelings towards the latter half of the show. Only one thing is certain: at least one of us is getting fired. A lot.
Click here for A1's cover of "Take on Me" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOXmyeMn_aM
We are again calling on our listeners to do all they can to fight back against injustice at the U.S. border and in the immigration system: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/06/how-you-can-fight-family-separation-at-the-border.html
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic .
This may not come as a surprise to any of you, but watching the start of Season 3 for the first time in a decade has confirmed for Mary and Ben that yes, they were in fact remembering it through the eyes of bitter angry teens. (David has well and proper gotten his revenge for "firmly grasp it.")
So we've come at Straight to Heart again with fresh new eyes, and in the process we've discovered more to love about it! We spent ten minutes trying to figure out French summer vacation system, sang the praises of Hiroki 2.0, and slowly but surely realized that slamming the brakes on the Yumi/Ulrich train was very much the best thing for Yumi to do.
We also carefully sidestepped trying to understand Time Cube, and instead basked in all the glorious emails we've gotten over the past week! Thank you so much, again, for this peer validation and peer approval.
We are again calling on our listeners to do all they can to fight back against injustice at the U.S. border and in the immigration system: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/06/how-you-can-fight-family-separation-at-the-border.html
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Jess joins us yet again to discuss the second half of the much-debated prequel. Who will change their mind? Who will change their ground? Who will embarrassingly fail to remember where "firmly grasp it in your hand" comes from? (It's David. The third one is David.)
This is probably our fastest time from starting the episode to getting into the meats, but don't you think for a second that we are not back on our usual bullsh*t. From UFOs and mosquitos to the "gamer" episode of The X-Files and Ben's weird thing about orcs, today's episode is guaranteed to delight!*
*Not guaranteed at all.
Click here to see Mulder's Lyoko form: https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--NSFFidVZ--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/nyfucsdmnxkb2atfx2nl.png
Scully's, too: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rnZr_2PHxfo/maxresdefault.jpg
We are again calling on our listeners to do all they can to fight back against injustice at the U.S. border and in the immigration system: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/06/how-you-can-fight-family-separation-at-the-border.html
You can find Jess's podcasts on iTunes or wheresoever you get your podcasts, or on Twitter @lupinlottery ( https://twitter.com/lupinlottery ) and @thespookyspot ( https://twitter.com/TheSpookySpot ).
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic .