Ah, I remember this episode! It's the one where SpongeBob forgets everything except fine dining and breathing! Wait, no, sorry, I was thinking of something much better.
In this episode, the 'Group gets in the Halloween spirit by discussing Wolfman and the having of nards thereof (can you believe those chucklenuts Mary and Ben haven't seen Monster Squad?!), as well as each Lyoko Warrior's favorite horror movie, probably.
We also discuss the show's sudden onslaught of continuity, with everything from Milly, Tamiya, and Jeremie's feud to Odd's skulduggery regarding Paco, the King of Disco suddenly featuring in the plot. Oh yeah, and Dat Boi comes again. That's kind of important too.
Click here for William Says, in English and in French:
Click here for David Byrne: https://putthison.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/tumblr_ok8tkaMXF11qa2j8co1_1280.jpg
Click here for Mario mantas: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mario/images/7/75/Jumbo_Ray.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100702123520
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Bingo - the only game that bridges the gulf between big babies and old fogies. If you're a longtime listener, you know we're all about old memes, so here's one we yanked out of the pits of La Brea. Favorite Character Bingo! Featuring actual Code Lyoko content on two out of our three cards.
You can find our bingo cards at http://www.twitter.com/rttppodcast !
You can also click here for Weed la Weed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbwx9mv9q34
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Well, we hope you all liked or at least loved to hate William, cause he's basically not in the show anymore. That's right - dat boi has come and gone, leaving behind Ben and Mary's shameful memories and the usual sticky teenage residue.
And, AND, a perfect ten of a season finale! It's an enormous number of phone calls, not one but TWO long-vanished characters, and so many subplots you'll think Jasper Fforde wrote it. (Please email us if you thought that joke was funny.) And amazingly it all works together, leaving us in the end with Code Lyoko's usual sense of longing for answers we'll never have.
We also discover that a full two-thirds of the podcast is COMPLETELY WRONG about the greatest 80s song of all time (it's Africa by Toto, and nothing can change my mind, boys). And give heartfelt advice to teens about living life to the fullest!
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
The action ramps up as Code Lyoko delivers an episode with more plot-slash-William than usual, as well as more poo baths and nipple-pinching. Needless to say, there's a little something for each of your three hosts.
Join us as we jump-start your vague memories of the end of season three, as well as spoil the ending of a beloved video game (the one about the hat man) and, in a semi-related thought exercise, try to make XANA's monsters sexier. It's the kind of content only the Super Nuclear group thinks is good - that means you can't get it anywhere else! Give us a click and enjoy.
Click here for the world's most unfortunate man: https://twitter.com/Brett_Kavanagh/status/1048367409491562496
Click here for the world's most unfortunate screencap: http://img.codelyoko.fr/galeries/64_surmenage/Surmenage_092.jpg
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.
Imagine a four-circle Venn diagram. The circles are labeled Political Science, Fancy Soap, Star Trek, and Jokes About Dog Dicks. In the center of said diagram lies this episode of RttP. Whatever is written in the other overlapping segments, we'll leave to your own diseased imagination.
Click here to visit the Magical Girl Soap Company! https://www.magicalgirlsoapcompany.com/
Questions? Comments? Email us at rttppodcast@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter at @rttppodcast. Or find our bonus content on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup
Cover art by the very skilled Ingram! Find their work at @ingramcomix or www.ingramcomix.com.
Intro and outro is "XANA Rhapsody" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.