In Code Lyoko's debut episode, an evil computer demon turns a teddy bear into a kaiju. What could be more relatable to our audience of millennial tweens? Check out OUR debut episode for all the context the series itself utterly fails to provide! And yes, it's spelled "Teddygozilla." No D.
Despite what we said in this episode, we do have a Twitter! Follow us at @rttppodcast.
Return to the Past: A Code Lyoko Retrospective is hosted by Mary, David, and Ben. Cover art by Ingram. Find more of their work at or @ingramcomix.
Opener: "Un Monde Sans Danger" by Franck Keller and Ygal Amar
Outro: "S'Envoler" by Herman Martin, Serge Tavitan, and The Subdigitals