Ah yes, here we are. One of the Famously Bad episodes of Avatar, which means it would be a low average in any other show. Even as we try not to judge it by its reputation and/or memes, we still find it... condescending? A bit tone deaf? Paints centrists as the real victims? We're not quite sure what they're actually trying to say here.
But it's okay that this one's a bit of a stinker, because on our end, MARY GOT A CAT! Say hello to Ness, of whom pictures can absolutely be found on our Twitter. And stick around to listen as we avoid talking about this episode by any means necessary, including crabs, "Weed la Weed," and the the Adam Sandler movies we maybe tolerate.
Click here for some very cute Neon Genesis Evangelion art: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eh6B5-pXgAAu5s2?format=jpg&name=small
Click here for some Spongebob Vocaloids: https://twitter.com/redbuddi/status/1305216930547150848 , https://twitter.com/redbuddi/status/1304309204409348101 , https://twitter.com/redbuddi/status/1304309204409348101
Click here for Ryuko's cool mask: https://twitter.com/centinel303/status/1305535592218861568
Click here for the post about the Cave of Two Lovers: https://gayavatarstyle.tumblr.com/post/626688191372640256#notes
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Homeless Black Trans Women Fund - https://www.gofundme.com/f/homeless-black-trans-women-fund?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet
Follow us on Twitter at @super_nuclear, or send us your feedback at supernucleargroup@gmail.com ! Or you can support us on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/supernucleargroup.
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Cover art by Ingram Jinkins! Find their work at @ingramjinkins on Twitter or at http://ingramjinkins.com.
Theme song is "Then Everything Changed" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at https://soundcloud.com/avanamusic.