Here we are at the actual Teen Titans pilot episode - one that makes it readily apparent why they decided to air Final Exam first. Between underdeveloped characters, an inorganic conflict and a weak resolution, it definitely isn't the series putting its best foot forward. Which is funny because foot-related mishaps are what drive the plot.
Also, we get to witness what could have been - Slade with a butler! Poor Wintergreen, this version of Slade was just too brooding and antisocial for your services.
This is also one of our shortest episodes in a long time. Maybe even the closest we've come to the vaunted "tight 45"! Think we can do it? Or will we lose ourselves in tangents about the cartoon institution of the toxic sludge factory?
Also, we DID in fact get two emails after we recorded this episode! Thank you so much, Ari and Alysa - we'll read them out next time!